Retrouvez toute l’actualité d’Optique Henri Peter, dans tous ses domaines d’activités, en France et à l’étranger.

MEDSI 2023 is off to a good start ! Don’t miss our presentation given by Xavier Rochet, President of Optique Peter, Friday at 10:00.

Meanwhile, our team will be glad to meet you at our booth (B07).

November 2023

Optique Peter is glad to take part in MEDSI 2023, the 12th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Design of Synchrotron Radiation Equipment and Instrumentation, as sponsor ! The conference will take place in Beijing, from November 6 to 10, 2023.

We look forward to meeting you at our booth ! Our team will be pleased to discuss our latest innovations and products.

September 2023

Optique Peter recrute un Responsable Installation & Maintenance (Field Service Manager) pour son activité sur sites, notamment dans le domaine nucléaire. Poste CDI, basé à Lentilly (69), à pourvoir dès maintenant.

Voir l’annonce

February 2023

It is always a pleasure to meet our partners at Paul Scherrer Institut, for the on-site commissioning of two new high-resolution White Beam microscopes.

Thank you Dr. Marone and Dr. Schlepütz for your trust and long-term partnership, we are glad to see such instruments side by side since our new HR 10X/0.4 microscope has joined the HR 4X/0.35 macroscope at TOMCAT beamline.

December 2022

This year, we will attend the 6th edition of the Rendez-Vous Nuclear Valley. Our team will be happy to meet you online or in person in Lyon, from November 28th to 30th !

Meanwhile, find out more about our Nuclear Hot Laboratories activity

November 2022

Optique Peter will be pleased to take part at the BioBrillouin 2022 Conference as sponsor. We look forward to meeting you in Lyon, from November 14th to 17th.

Discover more about our spectroscopy activities.

November 2022

We are glad to participate at HOTLAB 2022, from September 25th to 29th !

This year, the meeting is hosted by National Nuclear Laboratory and will take place in Manchester, UK.

Until we meet, find out more about our Nuclear Hot Laboratories activity here

September 2022

Thanks to the GigaFROST high-speed camera of Swiss Light Source and our high resolution 4X/0.35 macroscope, the TOMCAT beamline team performed such an impressive fast tomography of the LPBF process: 100 tomograms per second.

This is the first time-resolved tomographic microscopy performed during laser-based powder bed fusion !

Makowska et al., 2022. Operando tomographic microscopy during LPBF

August 2022

We are very happy to participate as sponsor at the next ALBA User Meeting that will take place from 5 to 8 September, at ALBA Synchrotron in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona).

Can’t wait to meet you there !

July 2022

Optique Peter will be attending XRM2022, the 15th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy, organised by NSRRC, Taiwan, from June 19th to 24th ! We look forward to meeting you at our virtual booth

Don’t miss our presentation on Tuesday at 11:45 CET (17:45 Asia CST)!

June 2022

Such impressive results in real time tomography at beamline 2-BM of the Advanced Photon Source ! The scientific team uses our Triple Objective microscope to select a region of interest in the 3D volume and swap lens live, providing 3-step zooming while directly looking at the same 3D volume of interest. 

Nikitin et al., 2022. Real-time streaming tomographic reconstruction

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April 2022

Optique Peter was pleased to participate at the 14th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI2021) from 28 March to 1 April. Congrats to all speakers for their very interesting presentations !

Click here to read the talk given by Xavier Rochet, President of Optique Peter, on Tuesday 29.

April 2022

Nice application with our White Beam X-Ray imaging microscope to understand lion batteries degradation, at the BMIT beamline of Canadian Light Source.

Congratulations to Toby Bond and the team for helping the industry produce safer, longer-lasting batteries for electric vehicles !

Toby Bond, on the BMIT beamline (Canadian Light Source)

March 2022

Optique Peter is very happy to see the Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI) making good use of its White Beam X-Ray imaging microscope !

Thank you Dr Phakkhananan Pakawanit, Beamline Scientist, Dr Prapaiwan Sunwong, Accelerator Physicist, and Supawan Srichan, Engineer for your valued explanations.

Dr. Phakkhananan Pakawanit, Beamline Scientist, at Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI)

March 2022

Optique Peter will be participating at the ESRF User Meeting, that will take place online from 7 to 9 February.

We are looking forward to meeting you at our virtual booth on Tuesday 8 February !

Find out more information about the event here.

February 2022

One more fruitful use of our X-Ray imaging microscope, at DESY’s PETRA III light source !

A research team, led by the University of Göttingen and Hannover Medical School (MHH), used our instrument to inspect the heart tissue structure from patients who succumbed to Covid-19.

Reichardt et al., 2021. 3D virtual Histopathology of Cardiac Tissue from Covid-19 Patients based on Phase-Contrast X-ray Tomography

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January 2022

World Nuclear Exhibition is starting today at Paris Nord Villepinte ! We will be pleased to meet you during the next 3 days.

See you booth K44 to tell you more about our Nuclear activities !

December 2021

Optique Peter will participate to the 5th edition of the Rendez-Vous Nuclear Valley. Let’s meet online or in person, on November 23rd, 24th and 25th !

Until we meet, discover more about our Nuclear Hot Laboratories activity

November 2021

The Indus-2 imaging beamline at the Indian Synchrotron Source is equipped with an Optique Peter White Beam Microscope.

Thanks to an improved penetration, an achievement of high resolution, high SNR, reduced exposure time, high frame rate and 3D imaging, the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) team has successfully demonstrated the capabilities of white beam based X-Ray imaging.  

High-resolution phase-contrast radiographic images of a TRISO (Tri-Iso) coated ZrO2 particle using (a) white and (b) monochromatic beam. (c) The installed system at the imaging beamline.

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October 2021

New world record in Tomoscopy: 1000 tomograms per second at the TOMCAT beamline of the Swiss Light Source !

Thanks to its high-numerical-aperture 4X/0.35 macroscope, Optique Peter is very proud of its contribution to this new record, at Paul Scherrer Institut PSI.

(photo: Paul Scherrer Institute / Mahir Dzambegovic)

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Septembre 2021

Nuclear Valley has selected Xavier Rochet as the portrait of the month. The President of Optique Peter has therefore been interviewed by the Nuclear Valley team.
Discover the full presentation here.

June 2021

Another success for the High-Resolution macroscope 4x/0.35 !

At Paul Scherrer Institut, a high-resolution 3D image of a full and intact rat lung was realized. The team of researchers have indeed used a fast large-volume tomographic imaging method to imaging the rat lung within a very limited time: 22 minutes.

Borisova et al., 2020. Micrometer-resolution X-ray tomographic full-volume reconstruction of an intact post-mortem juvenile rat lung

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March 2020

Optique Peter will participate to the event HOTLAB 2019 which will be held from September 8th to 10th, in Mammallapuram, India.
Let’s meet at our booth !
Xavier Rochet, President of Optique Peter will also present the Design and operation of optical equipment dedicated to Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) in Hot Laboratories, on September 9th at 13.00, room C5. Hope to see you there!
Until we meet, we invite you to know more about our Nuclear Hot Laboratories activity

September 2019

We are pleased to announce the publication of our last research paper: High-numerical-aperture macroscope optics for time-resolved experiments.
At the TOMCAT beamline of the Swiss Light Source at the Paul Scherrer Institut, our high resolution macroscope 4x/0.35 offers increased spatial resolution and very high image quality, unlocking unprecedented possibilities for the tomographic investigations of dynamic processes and radiation-sensitive samples.

Buhrer, M., Stampanoni, M., Rochet, X., Buchi, F., Eller, J. & Marone, F. (2019). High-numerical-aperture macroscope optics for time-resolved experiments. J. Synchrotron Rad. 26, 1161-1172.

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July 2019

Optique Peter a livré au CEA Marcoule un microscope de spectroscopie Raman multi longueur d’ondes pour boîte à gants, couplé à un four pour des analyse Raman in situ à haute température, et permettant aussi de réaliser des mesure de dureté et des analyses en Imagerie. Un système similaire pour cellule haute activité est en cours de développement.

Septembre 2018

Optique Peter a livré au synchrotron SLS en Suisse (PSI) un macroscope très haute résolution et très haute ouverture pour des application d’imagerie X à grande vitesse, ce macroscope sera utilisé avec la caméra GigaFRoST (Gigabit Fast Readout System for Tomography) développée par le PSI.

Mars 2018